Saturday, October 29, 2011

Being Water's 1-1/2" Floating Suction Filter with float, stainless steel strainer, check valve,Flexible Pipe and Bulkhead Fitting, for collecting the cleanest available water in your rainwater storage tank or rain barrel.

!±8±Being Water's 1-1/2" Floating Suction Filter with float, stainless steel strainer, check valve,Flexible Pipe and Bulkhead Fitting, for collecting the cleanest available water in your rainwater storage tank or rain barrel.

Brand : Being Water
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Post Date : Oct 29, 2011 20:15:10
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Being Water's Floating Intake Filter is a quality US made product offered at a small fraction of the cost of comparable imported products.The -Floating Intake filter from Being Water is important for any rainwater harvesting installation! Increase the water purity of your system by preventing sediment and foreign matter from being suctioned out of the tank. The value of this component cannot be overemphasized. When someone is asked where the water comes out of the tank, they will always answer "from the bottom". Unfortunately, that is where the dirtiest water is. This inexpensive filter will pay for itself quickly by reducing the need to change your cartridge filters. It is a simple,inexpensive and essential piece of any rainwater system. Just screw it to the inside of the (supplied) bulkhead. Just check on a yearly basis for any accumulation of debris and it will last indefinitely. It can be used with or without the supplied check valve. It now comes in an 8' length to fit most tanks with the fittings already attached. Available in 1/2",3/4", 1" and 1-1/2" models.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Emergency Survival Tips - Be Ready Now for Any Emergency

!±8± Emergency Survival Tips - Be Ready Now for Any Emergency

What are you going to do if disaster strikes? Unfortunately most of us are not prepared and don't have a disaster preparation plan in place. Many people have a false sense of security and think that they are immune to the aftermath of a disaster. All the money in the world won't help in most emergency situations.

The simplest way to make sure that you, your family and your pets can stay safe in emergency situations like floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, or earthquakes is to prepare now and come up with a disaster preparation plan. The bare minimum is to have emergency food supplies and a water supply that last at least 72 hours.

Even if emergency rescue workers are able to reach your house or area immediately, don't count on it. You must prepare now so that everyone in your family is safe and has enough food and water for the duration of the crisis. When putting your kit together for emergency food and water, take into consideration the needs of each family member. If you have a child or a senior in your house, you have to consider their special needs while preparing your emergency food. If you have an infant, include cans of formula and diapers for example.

Next, you want to prepare an emergency water storage plan that will provide fresh water for drinking and also for personal hygiene and sanitation purposes. Always have a gallon of unscented bleach on hand to disinfect water for drinking. About 16 drops of bleach per gallon of water will make it safe for drinking. Another alternative could be, a lightweight water filtering system so that you can safely use different sources, for example rainwater and even water stored in your hot-water tank or pool.

Select food that has long shelf life, like canned and dried fruit, vegetables and meat. It would also make sense to store plenty of granola, energy and protein bars or ready-to-eat dehydrated and freeze dried meals. These don't only have a much longer shelf life, but also are lighter and more portable to carry if you need to leave your house.

Other supplies you should add to your emergency food for emergency situations and water supplies are flashlights, batteries, hand crank or battery powered radio, can opener, camping/cooking utensils, disposable paper products and garbage bags. Since power and gas might not be available, have a camping stove or grill available. You can then boil water or cook food thoroughly.

Food and water are obviously the two most important things to carry your family through this difficult time. It is easy, so prepare your emergency food supply kit today!

Emergency Survival Tips - Be Ready Now for Any Emergency

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Siamese Fighting Fish Fact Sheet

!±8± Siamese Fighting Fish Fact Sheet

There are several species of the genus Betta, but the best known and most spectacular of the Siamese Fighting Fish, Betta splendens, Betta beautiful. This fish comes from Thailand and the old name for Thailand was Siam. Fighting Fish Japanese Samarai Fighting Fish Chinese Fighting Fish and fish fighting Mexicans: other names for these fish. Fighting the fish is a variant of cambodian color of this fish. If you have two males together, they are usually passed through a struggledisplay. The display seems to be part of the fish's method of recognising the sex of the other fish. In a limited space like a small aquarium a fight would usually end with one fish dead. In Thailand fish fights are staged with betting on the outcome. This is a traditional sport which is now illegal in Thailand, although this does not mean that it never occurs.

Females can be put together with each other and one male in a reasonable sized aquarium. Usually there is no serious trouble between them although a tank some hiding places is a good idea.

The males are usually much more spectacular than the females, having longer fins and more intense colour.


Fighting fish are a tropical fish; 24 degrees C is a suitable temperature. They can take at least 10 degrees higher than this, but will not be comfortable any lower than about 18 degrees C. In a climate like that of South Australia they need heating in the winter. The usual way of heating the tank is with an aquarium heater. A 50w heater is suitable for a small Aquarium. If you have a room that never gets cold then the Fighting Fish can be kept there without an aquarium heater. A room that is only heated by the sun will get cold when the sun is not shining. This is not suitable.

Some very small tanks are sold for fighting fish. These are suitable for places with a warm climate. In temperate areas they are not suitable for fighting fish in winter unless they can be kept in a place which does not get cold. Many of these tanks are too small to put a normal aquarium heater in.


Fighting fish are anabantids. They and their relatives can breathe air as well as water. This means that they can live in much smaller aquariums than most fish. In the wild they sometimes live and even breed in very small bodies of water including the water filled hoof prints of a water buffalo. They are often also found in rice fields. They need to be able to get to the surface or they can drown. Although they can be kept in very small containers this is not an ideal way. Like other fish they are affected by water quality. A small tank is harder to keep clean than a larger one, and usually you cannot put a filter in.


The Fighting fish is sometimes described as a carnivore. In my observation, it is an omnivore with a preference for animal based food. In an aquarium, I recommend that a good quality Betta food be used as the basic diet, and this should be varied with the addition of the occasional feeding of live food like mosquito larvae of daphnia. frozen food like blood worms are also good.



Rainwater is often used. Some people use it successfully, but not all rainwater is safe for fish. Rain, as it falls from the sky in Rural areas is generally good water. When it comes into contact with the roof and gutters and then stays in the rainwater tank with any leaves etc which have washed in, it picks up contaminants. Some of these are harmless, but others can kill fish. If rainwater is the only type of water available then you will need to use it. Apart from the obvious things like keeping your gutters clear and avoiding spraying near the house or if the wind is towards the house you can add a rainwater conditioner. This will add the salts that rainwater does not have. It will also neutralise some (but not all) of the possible contaminants.

Mains Water

If you are in an area with Chlorinated water, a water conditioner will get rid of the Chlorine. In areras which use Chloramine, ther conditioner will still work, but needs to be used at up to five times the normal rate.

If the Ph of the water is adjusted to be less than 7.2 the ammonia from the Chloramine should not be dangerous.

There are also some water conditioners which remove ammonia as well as Chlorine. I recommend the use of one of these.

Filtered Tapwater

Some domestic water filters which have carbon cartridges will remove most of the Chlorine and Chloramine. The filter cartridge needs to be in good condition. If you have a filter it is a good idea to use this water for your fish. However, because the filter may not remove all the Chlorine or Chloramine from the water, it is still a good idea to use a conditioner to be on the safe side.

Spring Water

Many types of spring water are suitable for fighting fish without any conditioner or modification. If it is too far from neutral you will need to adjust it.


Ph is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. A ph of 7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. The ideal Ph for fighters is about 7.1, but they can take moderate variations from this. The Ph of water can change, so it is a good idea to check it regularly.

Foods and feeding

Like most fish, fighting fish are omnivores, in the wild they will eat any animal or vegetable food they can find. They prefer animal foods such as mosquito larvae (wrigglers) daphnia, etc. In an aquarium they will eat all normal types of aquarium foods, but seem to do better on a food designed for them. As with almost any animal a variety of food is welcomed by fighting fish. Do not overfeed!

Aquariums and Companions

One fighting fish without any other fish can be kept in a quite small tank, provided that it can be kept warm. Fighting fish are usually not an aggressive fish and can be kept in an aquarium with other peaceful fish of a similar size or smaller.

These are a few of the many sorts of fish suitable as companions for fighting fish in a reasonable sized aquarium.

Like nearly all fish, fighting fish will eat another fish if the fish is small enough to fit in its mouth. Generally a fighting fish can be kept with fish as small as neon tetras without trouble. However, the occasional fighting fish may learn to catch neons. I would suggest that in a confined space fighting fish should be by themselve. I know of at least two cases of a fighting fish which has been put in a bag with neons and has learned to eat them. Having learned, the fish is likely to continue to eat neons in an aquarium. Fish have quite good memories.

Fighting fish are slow and have long fins. They are very vulnerable to fish that nip fins.

Some of the fish that can be fin nippers and which I would not recommend as companions for fighting fish are Tiger Barbs, Red Eye Tetras, Serpae Tetras, Some Galaxies and Rosy Barbs.

Another way of keeping fighting fish is to use one of the Betta containers. These come under several names, but are similar and allow several male fighters to be kept in one aquarium.

Another, similar, way of keeping fighters is to use a breeding tank which floats in an aquarium. Normally these are use for breeding fish such as Guppies, but they can also be used for keeping (but not breeding) Fighting Fish.

There are several other options for keeping fighting fish. There are Duo and a Trio Fighting Fish tank, as well as many types of custom ones. The better ones are big enough to put a small heater into one of the compartments. There is often enough conduction of heat between compartments to keep them all warm enough.

Transporting fighting fish

Normally fighters are transported in a plastic bag. It is important that there be some air (or Oxygen) above the water in the bag. The bag should not be allowed to get very cold or very hot in transport. It is better that if you are transporting a male fighter that no other fish is in with it.

Life Span

Siamese Fighting Fish are not very long lived. Their normal life span is about two years. The Male fighters normally on sale in shops are typically about nine months old, so if you have had a male fighter for a year, it is already old and could die of old age.

Female fighters are usually about five months old when sold.

Breeding Fighting Fish

The Siamese fighter is not one of the easiest fish to breed. It is considered to be a medium difficulty fish. Full instructions on breeding this fish would take up much more space than this fact sheet, but since I am frequently asked about breeding this fish, I will attempt to give a very brief description of breeding. Before the fish can breed they need to be in good condition; both the male and the female need to be well fed for sometime beforehand. An increase in temperature will sometimes induce the male to build his nest.

After the male has built his nest, you can attempt to put a female in with him. Watch them! It is not unusual for one of them to attack and try to kill the other. It is not always the male that tries to kill the female.

The fighting fish is a nest breeder. The male builds a nest of bubbles on the surface of the water.

Then he entices a female to go under the nest with him. They wrap their bodies round each other, and the female releases her eggs while the male releases his sperm to fertilise them.

After that the female sinks down in a sort of stupor while the male quickly picks up the eggs in his mouth and put them in the nest. If he has not finished before the female recovers, she starts eating the eggs. This process will be repeated until the female has no eggs left. The male then chases her away. She should be removed.

If there is another female available, in some cases, a male will then induce her to go under the nest as well and he will raise a bunch of fry from the eggs of both females, but you are increasing the danger of problems by having two or more females in while breeding.

The male guards the nest while the eggs hatch. He also guards the newly hatched babies until they are free swimming. After that he will eat them unless he is separated from them.

Raising Young Fighters

If you succeed in getting as far as having free swimming baby fighters, now you have the more difficult In part. The children are very young. They have a pretty good sight to see them also.

You need small meals. In nature they eat things like protozoa. These organisms are usually too small to see without magnification, but much larger single-celled bacteria. In the aquarium are usually called infusoria. Some of them are in most aquariums, but probably not enough for children.

There are several ways, rich culturesin infusoria, but this is a big topic in itself. There are also fried foods made by many companies. Betta needs best at first.

If you can not always get at first, soon to be large enough to fry eat more. At all stages of fighting fish benefit from some live food of suitable size.

Work with accessory respiratory organ about six weeks the child, the "labyrinth" begins. At this time, you will need to have a small air flowto blow air from a surface of stone every movie, because children may not be strong enough to penetrate, to get some air.

Males and females are usually as soon as you can tell the boys to go in the same container separately.

Types of Bettas

The fierce fighting fish have fins much shorter than the aquarium. If they have fought in Thailand bred color variations have been developed, but the fins were not selected in the modern sense.The long and fancy fins of the present fighting fish are a comparatively recent development. Fighting fish are bred in many places. A lot of the fighting fish sold in Australia are bred in Singapore. Fighting fish come in many colours including blue, red, purple, white, yellow and black.

Many different fin types have also been developed, including the crown tail, the half moon the double tail and the delta tail.

Siamese Fighting Fish Fact Sheet

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Thuya Rain Water Tank

!±8±Thuya Rain Water Tank

Brand : Twist Production
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Post Date : Oct 01, 2011 19:00:22
Usually ships in 4-5 business days

RE.000.95 Mother nature meets design with the Thuya Rainwater Tank. Collecting rainwater allows you to water your plants with quality water while diminishing the treatment costs. Learn more about Thuya Rain Water Tank below: FEATURES | SPECIFICATIONS FEATURES: -Color: Forest Green. -Filling device included. -Safe, no access for children. -Unbreakable and freeze resistant. -Easy to install. -Freeze resistant. Back to top SPECIFICATIONS: -Capacity: 225 liters (50 gallons). -Overall dimensions: 60'' H x 22'' W. Specification Sheet

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